Sunday, February 17, 2008


Hello everyone!,

You have found my blog for my bike and build trip this coming summer! Yayyy!

Fundraising is going well, I am up to $2500 out of $4000 needed for the trip! I am getting really excited for it to get warm enough for me to hop on my new bike and start riding. Yes, this might be influenced by the fact that I am unable to play Ultimate right now due to a broken right navicular bone, but I go in to the doc's to get that re-X-rayed tomorrow so wish me luck!

The response I have gotten in regards to this trip has been amazing. I really really appreciate all of your interest and incredibly generous donations to this cause. I will try my best to not let you down and get a lot out of this trip.

Look for more information about how training, fundraising, and background research is going in the coming months!

