Friday, June 13, 2008

I want to ride my BICYCLE...

Wow. The first couple days here have been a complete whirlwind. Pulling into the church was an amazing feeling and for the first time seeing all these smiling faces of the people that will share the most intimate, embarrassing, and meaningful experiences for the next 60 days.

Our group is AMAZING. Besides having more than twice as many women as men (always a plus), we have people from such diverse backgrounds it is just fantastic. West coast, south, east coast, midwest, Iran, and Greece. Consisting of a plethora of knowledge, experiences, and interests.

The first day consisted of a lot of silly introduction games, attempting to learn everyone's name (harder than you think), and just settling in. We all spent a lot of time chatting and everyone had a smile on their face the whole time. It was like it was Christmas and we were all each other's presents. Another awkward analogy...

I didn't sleep hardly at all the first night. It was loud, people were snoring, I could not get comfortable on my thermarest. Either way, we got up at 6:30 am the next morning to go to our build site at the Beaches Habitat. We layed sod most of the day and did other landscaping. The people were just amazingly nice giving us food and slushies the entire day. I can tell already that having people make food for me the whole summer is going to make me feel really guilty. So when I get back I will just make food for people for a long time or something :).

THe beach is only about 2 miles away or so, so we have been going to the beach in the evening and hanging out there.

Today we did a shakedown ride of 10miles, it was super slow and chill but just a SWEET sight to see 30 bikers in a straight line on a road. Seriously, it is so inspiring.

Gotta run, 1 computer for 32 people is NOT enough. I can tell already that posting will be difficult, but I am trying to take a lot of pictures so that I can describe things to you later. I also bought a small journal and am going to write highlights in it after each day so I don't forget.

I love you all,


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Tomorrow is the big day, it all begins tomorrow. We all meet in Jacksonville, FL at Sunrise community church at 1pm to begin assembling our bikes and get acquainted with one another.

Thursday June 12th we work at two different build sites near the church for the day and then go swimming and relax in the evening.

I now have exactly 4k fundraised, thanks to some amazingly generous donations from family, friends, friends of family, and some individuals I hardly know. I must personally thank my dad and step-mom, without their amazing contributions I would have been hard pressed to find all the money needed to do this amazing experience.

Now it all comes down to making the experience worth the time, effort, and money put into it. Around 50% of all the money you have all donated is given directly to affordable housing organizations, projects, and funds. The rest goes to financing the trip and bike and build as a nonprofit organization. Thus, I need to do $2,000 worth of work, service, and good along the way. I will try to do my part.

I have a feeling I am going to sweat a LOT this summer. I also have realized I am going to get up close and personal with a lot of roadkill. Ick. But, it is all part of the experience and understanding why cars are such horrible machines for the world (and poor little cute animals too).

I fit all of my gear into an internal frame backpack that I got. I figured it would be very useful for the Peace Corps following this experience. Two pairs of shorts and two shirts are going to be very grimy once I finish :).

I cannot wait until tomorrow... look for some more interesting posts coming soon!!!
